As a way to give back to the community, Park Street Realty Investments is founded on the principles of improving the lives of our community. To do this, PSRI does this in 3 ways:

1.-Creating new ways of living, intelligent, safe and efficient. Eliminating the detrimental everyday task of life and using among other things, security expertise, technology, fun and efficiency.  Apple Woods™  in Brownsville, TX reflects this SMART LIVING™. Visit us and see for yourself!

2.-Managing existing Subdivisions in a more efficient manner by providing a system to  existing to achieve technological, financial, legal and social tools. CMS is a unique product that transcends from the simplest to the most complex to deliver communities a clear and functional picture of their well being giving creating a new definition to harmony.

3.-Serving the community by developing a system that starts with acquiring homes and / or apartments, either through purchase, donations tax loss, etc .. Usually these houses are in deplorable condition allowing us to acquire them at a good price with the intention to remodel entirely.  From the most fundamental and important thing such as  the safety of its inhabitants, to the aesthetic and functionality of the premises.
This equation allows us to keep the rental prices similar to the time of acquisition, allowing our tenants to enjoy a dignified life, in renewed and improved facilities . The only thing we expect of our tenants, is living appreciative of our involvement in their lives , proud of their homes and interested to take care of the house they inhabit and enjoy.